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European Researchers’ Night: Events in Museums

27 September

La Notte dei Ricercatori 2024 nei Musei

Friday 27 September sees the return to Parma of the European Researchers’ Night, the most important European scientific communication event promoted in the city by the University of Parma with the co-organisation and patronage of the City of Parma and Imem – CNR.

The activities are almost all free to access, but some require booking: it will only be possible to book online from 13 September via the event’s official website.

Many initiatives also in museums!

At the Museum of Crystallochemistry we will be able to explore a truly gigantic molecule and travel through the nano-world of crystals to discover splendid acrobatic architectures.

At the Museum of Mathematics and Informatics, children and young people will be guided in the discovery of Pythagoras and his famous theorem with interactive paths, while adults and young people can immerse themselves in the fascinating history of the Personal Computer.

At the Veterinary Anatomical Museum, researchers will take us on a discovery of muscles, bones, preparations and organs of many animals (from mammals to birds, from amphibians to reptiles)

At the Mineralogy Museum, we can have close encounters with minerals and rocks and learn about their wonderful world through interactive activities and games.

At the CSAC, Centre for Studies and Archives of Communication, the question is asked whether it is possible to educate people to care for the environment through art. Researchers will answer the question with creative experimentation workshops between art and the environment for children and young people.

At the permanent science exhibition ‘Microcosm with a View’, we will be able to see demonstrations and observations of what we see with a fog chamber (an instrument that reveals elementary particles).

The detailed programme of the European Researchers’ Night in Museums:

The Giant Molecule
Exploration and socialising with a giant molecule. Truly giant!
Referees: Alessia Bacchi, Giuditta Cicconi.
For who: for everyone
When: from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Activities with free access.
Where: Complex of Chemistry – Hall 01 – Museum of Crystal Chemistry (entrance hall, mezzanine floor corridor).

Journeys in the nano-world of crystals: acrobatic geometries and splendid architectures
Themed guided tours in the Museum of Crystallochemistry: each tour will focus on an element of the periodic table, or on a molecule important for life and the environment, exploring the architecture of materials at the atomic level and their properties. The visits will be followed by experimental activities: visualisations of computer models and analysis of samples under the microscope.
Contact person: Alessia Bacchi.
For who: for everyone
When: from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. – free access on a rotating basis – groups of 10-15 people.
Where: Chemistry Complex – Hall 01 – Crystal Chemistry Museum (entrance hall, mezzanine corridor).

Visit to the ‘Interactive Exhibition on the History of the Personal Computer’
Guided tours of the Interactive Exhibition on the History of the Personal Computer will be offered. The exhibition allows personal and interactive tours that can be enjoyed by ‘children’ of all ages.
Contact person: Federico Bergenti.
For whom: for children (15-19 years) and adults.
When: Activity by appointment only. 4 one-hour shifts: 5-6 pm; 6-7 pm; 7-8 pm; 8-9 pm. – 25 people per shift.
Where: Mathematics Complex – Hall 21 – First floor, Exhibition Hall/Lecture Room.

Visit to the exhibition ‘Pythagoras and his Theorem’
Guided tours of the exhibition ‘Pythagoras and His Theorem’ will be offered. The exhibition allows personal and interactive tours that can be enjoyed by ‘children’ of all ages.
Contact person: Alberto Saracco.
For whom: for children and young people (12-14 years and 15-19 years)
When: Activities by prior arrangement. 4 one-hour shifts: 17-18; 18-19; 19-20; 20-21. – 25 people per shift.
Where: Mathematics Complex – Hall 21 – Second floor, Exhibition Hall/Lecture Room.

Close encounters with minerals and rocks
Activities and interactive games to introduce people to the wonderful world of minerals and rocks that make up the Earth, the planets and that we use every day without, sometimes, even knowing it.
Various activities are planned during the event, such as:
– ‘Mineral Hunt’: a treasure hunt to identify the minerals that make up objects of everyday life
everyday life
– ‘The world in a grain of sand’: let’s discover with a microscope what sand is made of
– ‘Discovering rocks’: a journey from the depths of the planet under a microscope
– ‘Wow! it glows even at night’: enter the darkroom and discover the magical world of fluorescent minerals!
Referees: Sabrina Nazzareni, Luciana Mantovani, Alessandra Montanini.
For who: for everyone
When: from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. – free access on a rotating basis.
Where: Earth Sciences Complex – Halls 07 – Central Corridor and Mineral, Rock and Fossil Hall (Tooth C).

Guided tour of the Anatomical Veterinary Museum
Guided tour of the rooms of the Veterinary Anatomical Museum, where skeletons, bones, muscles and organs of mammals, birds and reptiles studied by Veterinary Medicine are exhibited.
Contact person: Luisa Ragionieri.
For who: for everyone
When: Activity by appointment only. One shift: 4-5pm. Minimum 5; maximum 20 people per shift.
Where: Veterinary Pole – Veterinary Anatomical Museum – Strada del Taglio, 10.

Imagining landscapes: creative experimentation workshops between art and the environment
Is it possible to educate to care for the environment through art? You can find out through a rich programme of workshops organised in the spaces of the CSAC museum archive in collaboration with the Education Unit of the University of Parma. An itinerary in which to learn to
observe the environment around us not only with your eyes, but also with your hands. Through our workshops, you will be able to experiment with different artistic techniques, including cyanotype, collage, visual poetry, printmaking and group painting. Multiple ways of exploring the world of art and the landscape, to educate and educate oneself to experience the environment in a more conscious manner.
Contacts: Margherita Zazzero, Mariangela Scarpini (Education Unit-DUSIC).
For whom: children and young people (6-8 years and 9-11 years)
When: from 4 to 8 p.m. (last admission at 7 p.m.). Free access activities.
Where: Communication Study Centre and Archives (CSAC). Valserena Abbey (Via Viazza di Paradigna, 1 – Parma) – Sculpture Court – Consultation Room and Church.

Microcosm with a view
A short visit to fundamental interactions with access to simple demonstrations and observations of what we see with a fog chamber and the fundamental particles that reach us.
Contact person: Roberto De Pietri.
For whom: for everyone
When: from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. – free access on a rotating basis with a quota of a maximum of 10 people at a time.
Where: Physics Complex – Hall 03 – First floor laboratories adjacent to Squid Lecture Hall.

Download the complete programme