The Botanic Garden is open

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

Da luglio ha riaperto le porte al pubblico un'oasi di verde nel cuore della città: l'Orto Botanico. La visita è gratuita, ma è obbligatoria la prenotazione compilando i seguenti moduli: Modulo online per prenotazione visite individuali e di gruppo Modulo online per prenotazione di visite per le scuole La visita si svolgerà secondo le vigenti […]

The Museum of Natural History is open

Museo di Storia Naturale via Università 12, Parma, Italia

The Museum of Natural History is open. Please book a free ticket before visiting. Il Museo di Storia Naturale è lieto di darvi il benvenuto in occasione delle sua riapertura martedì 6 ottobre. Gli orari di apertura del Museo: Sedi di Via Università 12 martedì-giovedì ore 10-13 e 15-17 (18 con ora legale) - venerdì ore 10-13. Pomeriggio […]

University of Parma Museums reopening

We look forward to welcoming you back to the University of Parma Museums. Our first priority is the safety of staff and visitors, meaning each museum will only open their doors to the public when all necessary safety measures are in place. Our museums will reopen in phases, according to government guidelines and the unique […]

The Crystal Chemistry Museum is open from 6 October

Campus - Parco Area delle Scienze via delle Scienze, Parma, Italia

Il Museo di Cristallochimica riapre al pubblico dal 6 ottobre. Orari di apertura lunedì - venerdì ore 9.00 – 18.00 Ingresso gratuito con visite guidate. Prenotazione obbligatoria. La visita individuale e di gruppo, nel rispetto delle norme anti Covid-19, va prenotata obbligatoriamente utilizzando il modulo online per visite individuali e di gruppo. La visita per le scuole va prenotata obbligatoriamente utilizzando il modulo online […]

Design! Oggetti, processi, esperienze. The opening of the exhibition is suspended

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Design! Oggetti, processi, esperienze The opening of the exhibition is postponed to a date to be defined. Following the Dpcm of 4 November, which provides for the suspension of exhibitions and the closure of museums throughout the country to the public, the opening of Design! Objects, processes, experiences is suspended. Find out more 

The University’s museums are online on Google Arts & Culture

A very ambitious project developed with Google Arts &Culture, platform of the Google Cultural Institute. An immense virtual space in which to navigate stories, images, objects. The Google platform, which includes about 2 thousand cultural institutions around the world, aims to make culture, in its many manifestations, accessible to everyone, beyond space and time. There […]

The museums are open!

Our museums are open! You can book your visit by filling in the forms You find on the homepage of each museum. Please note that to access the Museums it is necessary to show the Covid-19 green certification (Green pass).

Guided tours of the Gardoni Herbarium

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

Special guided tours of the Gardoni Herbarium will be conducted on Saturday 4 June. A selection of material not generally accessible to the public, recently discovered and catalogued, will be illustrated to groups of 25 people by reservation to be made using the form available on this page. Five times are available while places last: […]

From 5 June ‘Insostenibile’: nine films, five themes, a month of cinema and the environment. Initiatives also at the Botanical Gardene all’Orto Botanico.

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

From 5 June to 8 July, in Parma and its province, nine films, five themes, a month of cinema and the environment. This is the proposal of Insostenibile, a festival that fixes its gaze on a planet threatened by climatic, environmental, and energy crises, listening in search of possible alternatives. Faced with the chaotic and […]

August: museums are closed

During the month of August, the University Museums will be closed.Regular reopening on Thursday 1 September. Happy holidays!

European Researchers’ Night: Events in Museums

The European Night of Female Researchers and Researchers returns on Friday 30 September.The European Night of Female Researchers and Researchers, the most important European science communication event, is promoted by the University of Parma with the co-organisation and patronage of the City of Parma and IMEM-CNR. The programme of events and this edition's novelties were […]

STORIE DI FILI: : the exhibition at the CSAC until 25 September

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

On Saturday 21 May 2022 in the spaces of the Abbey of Valserena, headquarters of the CSAC - Study and Archive Centre of the University of Parma, STORIE DI FILI (STORIES OF THREADS) opened to the public, the final exhibition of a research project started in 2020, curated by Francesca Zanella and Valentina Rossi, which […]

CSAC: the exhibition “Argento Nero”

It will be opened on Saturday, October 15 at 11 a.m. the exhibition "Argento Nero. Percorsi e ricerche nel Fondo Vasco Ascolini al CSAC".The exhibition is presented by CSAC as part of the exhibition The Noise of Mourning (16th Edition) and the well-established collaboration with the "Signs of Life" Association. For Argento Nero have been […]

Until 15 January, the exhibition “Vedere l’invisibile. Dall’infinitamente piccolo, all’infinitamente grande”

Ape Parma Museo Strada Farini 32/A, Parma, Italia

From subatomic particles to the Universe: it is a journey without limits of size that is proposed by the multimedia science exhibition "Vedere l'invisibile. Dall'infinitamente piccolo all'infinitamente grande" organised by the Sistema Museale dell'Università di Parma and held at the APE Parma Museo (Strada Farini, 32/A). The exhibition will be open to the public from […]

A series of events accompanies the exhibition “Vedere l’invisibile”

Ape Parma Museo Strada Farini 32/A, Parma, Italia

Beginning in November, and continuing until 12 January, a series of side events at the exhibition "Vedere l'invisibile" This is an extensive series of lectures, workshops and conferences designed as a satellite event of the exhibition “Vedere l’invisibile. Dall’infinitamente piccolo all’infinitamente grande”, organised by the Sistema Museale di Ateneo dell'Università di Parma and open to […]

11 February: Women and Girls in Science

Ape Parma Museo Strada Farini 32/A, Parma, Italia

On the occasion of the UNESCO International Day for Women and Girls in Science11 February 2023, the Sistema Museale of the Parma Universityin cooperation with IMEM-CNR (Istituto Materiali per l’Elettronica e il Magnetismo - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) and APE Parma Museum is organising an event open to the public to highlight the important presence […]

PNRR: over 870,000 euro for the Natural History Museum and CSAC

From the Ministero della Cultura, thanks to the PNRR, over 870,000 euros arrive at the University of Parma for the Natural History Museum and the Communication Studies and Archive Centre - CSAC. In fact, the University has participated with two projects in the ministerial call for proposals for the removal of physical, cognitive and sensory […]

Exhibition extended until 26 February “Vedere l’invisibile”

Ape Parma Museo Strada Farini 32/A, Parma, Italia

The closing date of the exhibition has been extended “Vedere l’invisibile. Dall’infinitamente piccolo all’infinitamente grande” organised by the University of Parma Museum System and held at the APE Parma Museo (Strada Farini, 32/A). The exhibition will be open until Sunday 26 February 2023. The topics covered by the exhibition are those studied in the laboratories […]

CSAC: open until 16 April the exhibition “Goliardo Padova. La forma del tormento”.

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

It will be open until 16 April for the exhibition 'Goliardo Padova. La forma del tormento", curated by Giulia Castagnetti and Giulia Ferrari, with which the CSAC once again reflects on the figure of an artist whose collection, preserved in the archive itself, counts almost four hundred works including canvases and drawings, posters and engravings […]

Lenz for the University Museums: new performance on Tuesday 14 March

The events in the University Museums continue with Morfologie del Paesaggio – Reidratazioni performative del presente urbano, a collaborative project between Lenz Fondazione and the University of Parma to enhance the University's museum spaces and collections with the creation of contemporary performance, visual and sound environments, curated and realised by Maria Federica Maestri and Francesco […]

Natural History Museum: Bottego Hall reopened

Museo di Storia Naturale via Università 12, Parma, Italia

The Bottego Hall of the Natural History Museum has reopened to the public after several weeks of work. This room, one of the main ones in the museum, houses the zoological collection collected by Captain Vittorio Bottego in Eritrea at the end of the 19th century. Heirlooms and ethnographic objects that belonged to the explorer […]

The Violette di Maria Luigia: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March, Botanical Garden

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

Back at the Botanical Garden, the event dedicated to the Violetta di Parma. Thanks to the fine weather and the dedication of the Associazione Amici dell'Orto Botancio, the Violette di Maria Luigia have blossomed in the garden beds. For the occasion, on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March, the Botanical Garden will be open with […]

Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April: for ‘I Like Parma’, extraordinary opening of the Natural History Museum

Main building via Università 12, Parma, Italia

From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April, the Museum of Natural History of the University of Parma (via Università 12) will be open for free. The initiative is part of the I Like Parma. Un Patrimonio da vivere, traditional event promoted and organised by the City of Parma in […]

Martedì… Orto che parla. Spring Dialogues at the Botanical Garden

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

The spring dialogues, the meetings around botany with experts and lecturers, organised by the association Amici dell'Orto Botanico di Parma, resume at the Botanical Garden. Ecosystems and special species, changes in flora and climate, plants and nutrition will be discussed The series of meetings, entitled "Martedì... Orto che Parla', will begin on Tuesday 4 April […]

Open Day: Natural History Museum open

Museo di Storia Naturale via Università 12, Parma, Italia

On Open Day, Thursday 13, Friday 14, Saturday 15 and Tuesday 18 April, the Natural History Museum is open to the public. The Museum, located in the main building on University Street, is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.    

25 April: museums closed

On the occasion of Liberation Day, the University's facilities, including the Museums, will be closed on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 April. Regular reopenings from Wednesday 26 April.  

Monday 29 May: Presentation of the Botanical Garden restoration and redevelopment projects

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

On Monday 29 May at 6.30 p.m., the Botanical Garden of the University of Parma,strada Farini 90, will host the presentation of the Garden's restoration and redevelopment projects. Projects that, thanks to public and private funding, aim to make the University's Botanical Garden a significant and renewed cultural, environmental and sustainable resource and reference point […]

The new Botanical Garden. Restoration projects visible in an exhibition.

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

Opened on Tuesday 30 May, the exhibition of the Botanical Garden restoration and enhancement projects, wide-ranging projects that aim to make the Botanical Garden of the University of Parma not only a renovated garden but a cultural, environmental, sustainable pole, resource and reference point for the city and beyond. Two interventions will affect the Botanical […]

Download the new Museums app!

Now available on the stores, MuseiUnipr, the new app of the University of Parma Museums! Search for Unipr Museums and download the app in both Apple and Google Play versions....and then visit us!

Anselmo Ballester. Volti ingombranti. The exhibition at the CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

The exhibition will be inaugurated at the CSAC, Communication Study and Archive Centre, on Friday 23 June at 6 p.m. "Anselmo Ballester. Volti ingombranti". The exhibition is a new stage in the series of exhibitions held in the Sala delle Colonne of the Abbey of Valserena, characterised by the proposal of in-depth studies conducted by […]

Iphigenia in Tauride

Chiostro dei Paolotti Strada Massimo D'Azeglio 85, Parma, Italia

The second stage, on Thursday 6 July at 9 p.m., of the diptych dedicated to the myth of Iphigenia and the result of a triple inspiration: Goethe's drama Iphigenie auf Tauris (1787), Gluck's opera Iphigénie en Tauride (1779) and Joseph Beuys' action Titus-Iphigenie (1969). Monica Barone, with stage installation and direction by Maria Federica Maestri […]

Botanical Garden: July’s blooms

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

Scopri le nuove fioriture di luglio all'Orto Botanico: ninfee, hibiscus, oleandri, rose, ortensie... Orari di apertura: dal martedì al venerdì dalle ore 10 alle ore 18. La visita è libera. L'ingresso è gratuito.

ACAMAR: fossil of Homo sapiens found in the Po

Museo di Storia Naturale via Università 12, Parma, Italia

"I was walking along the Po near Isola Serafini when my attention was drawn to something unusual. It was not a stone, but a fragment of bone. So I found Acamar, a cranial bone of a Palaeolithic man'. This is the account of Prof. Davide Persico, Professor of Palaeontology and Director of the Natural History […]

14 July: Don Boarini Hall (Botanical Garden) closed to the public

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

On Friday, 14 July, the Don Boarini Hall, at the Botanical Garden, will be closed to the public for the holding of a competition. The room, dedicated to priest Don Ezio Boarini, a parish priest from the Parma area with a passion for lepidoptera, displays, in addition to the more familiar butterflies (diurnal lepidoptera) also moths […]

Summer 2023: Museum closures

During the summer, the Athenaeum Museums will observe some weeks of closure: Museum of Natural History (Via Università and Strada Farini locations): closed from 24 July until the end of restoration work. Botanical Garden: closed from 24 July until the end of restoration work. Macedonio Melloni Museum: closed from 14 to 20 August. Regular reopening […]

Biomedical Museum closed

The 'Lorenzo Tenchini' Museum of Biomedicine, located on the first floor of the Palazzo Centrale (Via Università, 12) is temporarily closed due to removal work on the collections. We will keep you updated on the reopening from this page.  

Natural History Museum: closed for restoration

Orto Botanico via Farini 90, Parma, Italia

From Monday 24 July, the Museum of Natural History, both the premises on Strada Farini and Via Università, will also close for restyling. We will keep you updated on these pages. When: from Monday 24 July until the end of work  

Museums for Researchers’ Night

Campus - Parco Area delle Scienze via delle Scienze, Parma, Italia

European Researchers' Night approaches, Europe's leading science communication event promoted in the city by the University of Parma with the co-organisation and patronage of the Municipality of Parma and Imem - CNR. On Friday 29 September, starting at 4 p.m., the Athenaeum has several events planned. Most of the activities are free, but some require […]

I like Parma: events at CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Saturday 30 September and Sunday1 October, various initiatives at the CSAC on the occasion of the "I like Parma. Un patrimonio da vivere". SATURDAY 30 SEPTEMBER Closing of the exhibition Andrea Branzi. Racconti di design CSAC offers a programme of meetings and viewings on further insights into the theme of the exhibition: 3 p.m. - […]

From 2 to 6 October, for I Like Parma, open museums and the ‘Cristalli in metamorfosi’ exhibition

Campus - Parco Area delle Scienze via delle Scienze, Parma, Italia

Once again this year the Sistema Museale di Ateneo, despite the closure of the Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden due to redevelopment work, will take part in the city event I Like Parma. From 2 to 6 October school groups and all interested parties will be ableto visit the museums of the Museum System, […]

Walter Albini: the exhibition until 14 April

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

The exhibition, which opened at the CSAC in October, can be visited until 14 April. The exhibition reconstructs Albini's work from the beginnings to the last collections made in the very early 1980s, through a selection of materials from the Walter Albini Archive Fund held at the Csac. The Csac in fact possesses one of […]

Veterinary Museum: new opening times

Museo Anatomico Veterinario "A. Lemoigne" Via del Taglio, 10, Parma, Italia

The opening hours of the Anatomical Veterinary Museum 'A. Lemoigne' are being extended. The new opening hours start in November: Monday to Thursday 3 p.m. - 5.30 p.m., in November 2023, March, May, June, September, October 2024. School groups can also agree on morning times. Museum visit can be booked online: visits for individuals or […]

Christmas holidays: Museums closed from 23 December

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, the museums will be closed from Saturday 23 December 2023 to Sunday 7 January 2024. The Sistema Museale di Ateneo wishes everyone Happy Holidays!

Thursday 21 and Friday 22 March: new events of the ‘Impronte’ exhibition

Palazzo del Governatore Piazza Garibaldi, Parma, PR, Italia

From the very first days of opening, Impronte. Noi e le piante ( captured the interest of a large audience of young and old, enthusiasts and neophytes, the curious and those in the know, recounting the inextricable relationship between man and nature in an unprecedented, accurate and original way. In the wake of the great […]

Last days to visit the exhibition “Impronte. Noi e le piante”

Palazzo del Governatore Piazza Garibaldi, Parma, PR, Italia

In Parma, in the splendid Palazzo del Governatore, Saturday 13 January 2024 opens to the public Impronte. Noi e le piante , unique exhibition that traces in more than 200 figurative objects (historical herbals, botanical illustrations, nature prints and xylographs, as well as modern photographs and high-tech images) the relationship between humanity and nature, botany […]

Closed, on 1 April, with great success the exhibition ‘Impronte. Noi e le piante’: over 21,000 visitors

Palazzo del Governatore Piazza Garibaldi, Parma, PR, Italia

Over 21,000 people visited 'Impronte - Noi e le Piante', the exhibition organised by the University of Parma's Sistema Museale di Ateneo between 13 January and 1 April at the Palazzo del Governatore. A decidedly positive result, which rewards the choice of integrating modern and ancient materials, local collections and 'pieces' from other institutions, creating […]

“Visioni (im)possibili. Comunicazione, utopia, progetto in the CSAC collections”. The exhibition until 21 April

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

It is called Visioni (im)possibili the starting exhibition of a three-year collaboration linking the Communication Studies and Archive Centre - CSAC of the University of Parmaand the Municipality of Parma - Culture Department. A project that starts with a focus on the 1960s seen "in Bauhaus terms" and then unravels over the next few years […]

25 and 26 April: closed museums

Like the entire University of Parma, the Museums will also be closed on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 April. The museums will reopen regularly, observing the usual opening hours for the public, from Monday 29 April.

Sunday at the CSAC: guided tours and workshops

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

On Sunday 5 May, an afternoon at the CSAC with two different proposals: 3 p.m. guided tour to discover Valserena Abbey (reservation required) 4 p.m. Educational workshop 'Sustainable fashion: reuse, recycle, repair, reduce' for children and families (Reservation required) This month, the 'Sunday at the CSAC' appointment is back with the workshop “Moda sostenibile: riusa, […]

Botanica Fantastica: exhibiting selected works from the competition

In December 2023, Interno Verde launched the second edition of Interno Verde Design, an illustration competition aimed at students, recent graduates and young professionals under 35, who were called upon to interpret the theme: Botanica Fantastica. Ten illustrations to explore the unexpressed potential of the plant kingdom, including flowers and imaginary plants. On display are […]

‘Caring: heritage, waste and identity’: International Museum Day – 18 MAY 2024

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

On the occasion of the 'International Museum Day 2024' proposed by ICOM, following the theme 'Museums for Education and Research', CSAC proposes an afternoon of workshops and insights for all ages. This year's theme focuses on the fundamental role of cultural institutions in promoting and ensuring an increasingly inclusive, sustainable and informed educational experience, supporting […]

“Planimetrie naturali”: the exhibition at the CSAC until 9 June

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Opened in the Sala delle Colonne of CSAC the photographic exhibition “Planimetria Naturali: Ghirri, Giacomelli, Guerzoni, Archivio”, curated by Paolo Barbaro and Margherita Zazzero. Starting from the knot between nature and artifice, controlled figurative action and the form of the uncontrollable or the unconscious, a small sample of works from the CSAC archives is presented […]

Until 1 September the exhibition ‘Ugo Sterpini: l’ecart absolu’ opens at the CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

The exhibition "UGO STERPINI - l'écart absolu" It was inaugurated on Saturday 15 June at the CSAC of the University of Parma, in the Sala delle Colonne of the Valserena Abbey. The exhibition explores the profound connection between the artist and the Surrealist movement, on the occasion of the centenary of the movement's foundation: Sterpini's interest […]


The museums of the University Museum System will observe a few weeks of closure during the traditional summer holidays. Here is the calendar: Veterinary Anatomical Museum: 22 July to 23 August. Regular reopening on 26 August. Museum of Mathematics and Informatics: 29 July to 30 August. Regular reopening on 2 September. Museum of Palaeontology:1 to […]

“Community Specific Archive”: until 6 October, the exhibition at the CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Community Specific Archive collects a series of photographs by Paola Di Bello and a video-installation by Valerio Rocco Orlando born from the artists' confrontation with the CSAC archive and with the students of the Three-year BA Program in Communication and Contemporary Media for the Creative Industries at the University of Parma The Community Specific Archive […]

European Researchers’ Night: Events in Museums

Friday 27 September sees the return to Parma of the European Researchers' Night, the most important European scientific communication event promoted in the city by the University of Parma with the co-organisation and patronage of the City of Parma and Imem - CNR. The activities are almost all free to access, but some require booking: […]

Gala in Nero, inaugurazione “Respira” XVIII edizione de Il Rumore del Lutto Festival. Sabato 28 settembre allo CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Il Gala in Nero, con dress code total black, è da sempre uno degli eventi più iconici del Festival Il Rumore del Lutto, nato dalla collaborazione con Verdi Off nel 2015. Quest’anno, Segnali di Vita Aps ha deciso di organizzare un evento che unisca musica, danza e teatro in un’esperienza unica. Il Gala sarà interamente […]

Gala in Nero, inaugurazione “Respira” XVIII edizione de Il Rumore del Lutto Festival. Sabato 28 settembre allo CSAC

CSAC Strada Viazza di Paradigna, 1, PARMA, Italia

Il Gala in Nero, con dress code total black, è da sempre uno degli eventi più iconici del Festival Il Rumore del Lutto, nato dalla collaborazione con Verdi Off nel 2015. Quest’anno, Segnali di Vita Aps ha deciso di organizzare un evento che unisca musica, danza e teatro in un’esperienza unica. Il Gala sarà interamente […]